The Limitations of Hex Code Colors

The Limitations of Hex Code Colors

Hex code colors are a widely used digital color system that uses a combination of six letters and numbers to define a specific color. While hex code colors are essential for creating a cohesive digital presence, they have significant limitations when it comes to designing physical signs and graphics:

  1. The first limitation of hex code colors is that they do not take into account how colors appear in different lighting conditions. Natural light, artificial light, and even the time of day can significantly impact how colors appear. This can be a problem when designing signs and graphics that will be viewed in various lighting conditions.
  2. Secondly, hex code colors do not account for differences in the way that colors are printed. Colors may look different when printed on different materials, such as vinyl or paper, or when printed using different printing methods. This can lead to significant discrepancies between the digital design and the final printed product.
  3. Lastly, hex code colors are not suitable for paint mixing in signs and graphics. This is because they are based on RGB values, which are created using light, whereas pigments used in paint have different properties and can produce unexpected results. Physical color samples and paint swatches should be used for accurate color matching.


The Importance of Color Matching


To overcome the limitations of hex code colors when designing signs and graphics, it is essential to focus on color matching. Color matching involves creating a physical color reference that can be used to ensure that colors appear consistent across various media.

One way to achieve color matching is to use a Pantone Matching System (PMS). PMS is a color-matching system used in the printing industry to ensure that colors appear consistent across various printed materials. By using a PMS, you can create a physical color reference that can be used to ensure that your designs look the same both online and in the real world.

Another way to achieve color matching is to use physical color samples. Physical color samples can be used to compare and match colors across various media, ensuring that your designs look consistent across all platforms.


The Benefits of Professional Design Services


Designing effective signs and graphics requires a deep understanding of color theory, typography, and graphic design principles. While it is possible to design signs and graphics independently, working with the professional Graphic Design Experts at AJ Signs can ensure that your designs are effective and consistent. The AJ Signs team can provide expertise in color matching, typography, and graphic design principles, ensuring that your signs and graphics look the way you want them to. Email us at to get your next project started today!